Frequently Asked Questions
Can I apply my admission tickets to upgrade to a Membership?
Yes! During your same-day visit, you can apply museums admission, parking payment and, in some cases, featured exhibits admission. Stop by Member Services with your receipt and we'll help you calculate your savings.
How do I get my new Membership cards?
As soon as you purchase your Membership, you’ll receive a digital Membership card by email. If you order by phone, in person or online, you’ll receive an email with the digital card. You can also request a digital Membership card when you login to your Membership account online. The instructions are in the link below.
Who may visit on my Membership?
Each Member adult must present their ID and Membership card upon entry to each attraction. Family Membership is intended for two named adults and their children/grandchildren ages 17 and younger. Dual Membership is intended for two named adults or one named adult and one child. Family Premium Membership includes two named adults, their children/grandchildren ages 17 and younger and extra visitation benefits, including the ability to include a caregiver who can bring the Member children or the ability to bring an unnamed rotating guest. You may use either the caregiver or guest benefit during your visit. Names on the Membership cannot be changed during your current Membership cycle and Memberships cannot be transferred or refunded. Memberships will not be issued to anyone under the age of 18.
I want to bring a different guest each time I visit. How do I do that?
The Family Premium Membership allows you to bring an unnamed guest during each visit. If you are not a Member at this level, then you can bring unnamed guests by taking advantage of your two free tickets for museum admission. You can also stop at Member Services to receive a discounted admission ticket.
How do I use my digital Membership card for my free museum admission and discounts?
Just present an ID upon entrance to the Museums or when purchasing your discounted featured exhibit tickets. The name on the Membership must match the name on the ID, unless a caregiver is bringing the Member children with a Family Premium Membership. Names on the Membership cannot be changed during your current Membership cycle and memberships cannot be transferred.
How do I redeem my free guest Museum Admission tickets benefit?
You can see your guest pass codes on your digital Membership card and can easily redeem these guest pass codes online for free tickets for museum admission. The codes can also be redeemed in person or over the phone.
When do my free guest Museum Admission tickets expire?
When your membership expires, then any loaded benefits also expire. The tickets will not carry over when you renew the membership.
How do I get my discounts on shopping, food and other tickets, like featured exhibits?
Just show your digital Membership card at the point of purchase and we will validate it so you can receive your discounts. Please use the code 1301 at the kiosks for a 10% discount on food.
Is there a discount for educators or other professions?
Yes! Educators receive $20 off their Membership. This offer also applies to first responders, military, and nurses. This offer is not valid in combination with any other discount, coupon or special offer. Proof of status must be presented at time of purchase. Discount cannot be applied to previously purchased Memberships. Educator refers to those who teach a licensed state curriculum, pre-K through university, or who home school. Membership and discount are valid only for the educator’s household and not valid for classroom, daycare, tutoring or supplemental educational programs, support staff or group use. Discount cannot be applied to Membership given as gifts to other households. Download the Educator Discount Membership form.
Can I combine special Membership offers?
Any special offers for Membership cannot be combined and are valid only during dates of promotion.
Can I use my Membership during a school field trip?
Memberships exclude school field trips and any other organized group visits. Memberships are not for companies, organizations or other groups. Please contact Group Sales at (513) 287-7021 for information about group visits.
How do I upgrade my Membership?
You will renew your Membership at the new level. It is full price to renew at a new level. The new Membership level will take effect immediately and will be in place for the remainder of that Membership cycle. You will receive a new digital card with the updated Membership level and new expiration date.
I just renewed my Membership, but I am going out of town. Can I still take advantage of reciprocity at other museums?
Yes! Just be sure you have a copy of your digital Membership card. Instructions on how to request a digital Membership card are below or you can login to the Member Portal.
I am giving somebody else a Membership as a gift. How will they get the gift I bought?
When purchasing a Gift of membership, you will get a gift code like this: http://cincymuseum.web.use2.ticketuretest.com/ticket_order/01919a81-aa1b-69d8-c48d-83b1119d3f12 then click the link to share with your recipient.
My card is missing. Can I get a replacement?
There is a $5 fee for your replacement cards. Please email membership@bjlanjia.com to request a new Membership card. You can also access a digital version of your Membership card.
How long is my Member Pass valid?
Your Membership is valid for one year. Memberships expire at the end of the month in which you purchased your Membership. If you renew before the month of your current expiration date, then your 12 months of Membership will be added to your current expiration date.
Do Members receive free admission to all featured exhibits?
As a Member, you receive either free or discounted admission to featured exhibits based on the specific exhibit. Pricing details for each featured exhibit are available on our featured exhibit web page.
What should I do about free parking if I do not have my Member Pass with me when I arrive?
Please scan your digital Membership card to enter and exit the parking lots.
Do Members get preferred parking?
All Membership levels include free parking. Upon arrival, scan your digital Membership card at the automated parking kiosk. You can also scan the QR code from your email confirmation. If you don’t have your digital Membership card or QR code, please take a parking ticket to the box office for validation.
How does the guest/caregiver benefit work?
This individual (the guest/caregiver) may visit the museums with either an adult or child Member, but not alone. If accompanying a Member child 12 or younger, the caregiver must be 18 years of age or older. The caregiver must present the digital Membership card when entering the museums or purchasing discounted Member tickets.
How can my caregiver bring my children without me?
If you are a Family Premium Member, then your caregiver receives free admission as one of your benefits. Please be sure they have a copy of your digital Membership card. If you do not have a Family Premium Membership, then another adult may bring your Member children on your Membership. However, if the other adult is not a Member, then he or she will have to pay admission at Member Services. Children who are 12 years old or younger must be accompanied by a caregiver who is at least 18 years old.
Do I receive a discount on admission tickets purchased for guests?
Yes! There is a $1 discount on a Museum Admission ticket. Members must accompany their guest during the visit. Make sure to show your digital Membership card at Member Services when you make your purchase so your discount can be validated.
Is my Membership reciprocal with other museums?
Yes! All of our Membership levels are reciprocal with the institutions that participate in the ASTC (Association of Science and Technology Centers) Travel Passport Program and Time Travelers network. Family and Family Premium Memberships are also entitled to reciprocal privileges with the ACM (Association of Children’s Museums) reciprocal program. We strongly advise our Members to call their destination to ask about specific benefits and necessary credentials before traveling. Each museum reserves the right to enforce their reciprocity policies and decline free visitation if policies are not followed.
**Please note that CMC Members receive a 50% discount at Boonshoft Museum of Discovery**
I have a Membership at a different museum. Can I get in free at Cincinnati Museum Center?
- Discounted Museum Admission is permitted for participating members of the Association of Children’s Museums reciprocal network.
- Free Museum Admission is permitted for participating members of the Time Travelers reciprocal network.
- Free Museum Admission is permitted for participating Members of the Association of Science and Technology Centers. CMC checks IDs for reciprocal admission and enforces the ASTC “90-Mile” reciprocal policy.
**ASTC reciprocal admission benefits do not apply to reciprocal members whose place of residence is less than 90 miles from CMC. Per ASTC policy, this distance is measured “as the crow flies”, meaning that it is based on the linear radius between your place of residency and CMC, not driving distance.
**Boonshoft Museum of Discovery – 50% discount. - Admission is for up to two named adults on the membership and up to four children or grandchildren ages 17 and younger. No other benefits apply for guest Members.
Check the map to see if you qualify for the ASTC “90-Mile” reciprocal policy.
How can I get more information about all the different activities going on at CMC?
Check out the calendar to learn more about daily activities. View the events calendar here.
Can my organization purchase a Membership?
Memberships are only for individuals or families. We do not offer a Membership for organizations. To visit Museum Center with your organization, please contact Group Sales at (513) 287-7021 for group rates and to make a reservation.
Do you share my information?
As part of our ongoing efforts to acquire new Members, we occasionally exchanges home addresses of Members with other similar nonprofit organizations. If you prefer that your information not be shared, please email us at membership@bjlanjia.com. We never share or exchange email addresses or phone numbers.
How do I book tickets online?
Click here to purchase tickets online or call Member Services at (513) 287-7041. Our ticket office is open Monday – Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
For membership questions or more information, please email membership@bjlanjia.com or call (513) 287-7041.